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Self-Talk Log.
Thoughts precede our feelings which precede our behavior. Thinking in and of itself does not create poor performance in athletics. Misguided or ineffective thinking is what leads to poor performance. With the impact of our self-talk in mind, we know that it is important to take control of our self-talk when and wherever possible in order to improve our mental performance. If our goal is to influence our own self-talk then we have to start by monitoring our own internal dialogue.
Building more awareness around our thoughts gives us more information to better understand ourselves and how we can create change surrounding our thoughts. Use this self-talk log after practice and games to track where your mind’s focus is during your sport. This awareness alone may bring change to the way you think when you play.
Goal Worksheet.
Without a goal you lack direction. Goal-setting is what guides and builds motivation. It’s important to know what you’re trying to achieve. It is an outcome? Is it a process? Is it a performance? Setting an outcome related goal is deciding the final destination you which to arrive at. Setting a process oriented goal is focusing on the steps that lead to your desired result. A performance goal serves as a measure of your progress towards achieving an outcome.